Drum Mower? Flail Mower? Which do I need?
Here at Tractor Tools Direct we field quite a few phone calls, chats, and emails asking about different types of mowers and their uses. This blog will discuss the differences between the two types of mowers we carry–drum mowers and flail mowers–and explain why they are not interchangeable. They definitely have very different uses on a small farm.
drum mower is a hay mower. Its purpose is to cut the stem of a crop at its base leaving the cut plant as unscathed and complete as possible.
Oct 1st 2022
Calculating Acres Per Hour for a Mower
I get a lot of questions to the tune of “how many acres per hour will that cut?” I get them from people cutting their lawns as well as people cutting hay. The answer is both simple and complicated – it really depends on the situation. But there is a simple formula you can use to estimate:
Mower width in inches times forward speed in miles per hour divided by 100.
This formula will give you the maximum mowing capacity, in acres per hour, assuming you are always cutting new material (no o
Mar 5th 2014