Preparing Your Fields for Hay Season
Are you getting spring fever yet? Here in west central Indiana, our predicted high temperature for this 20th day of February is 22°, I am certainly getting spring fever! Along with this spring fever comes my mental list of all the spring chores I need to get started on. For you hay producers this means preparing your hay fields for a bumper crop of high-quality hay. Ideally, the best time for hay field rejuvenation is late summer and early fall. However, a few steps in the spring will make
Mar 1st 2025
Calculating Hay Yields
“How much hay can I expect to get from my ‘x’ number of acres?”
One of the most frequent questions we hear from our customers who are considering making the jump to haying independence is, “How much hay can I expect to get from my ‘x’ number of acres?” While we wish there were an easy answer to this question, there just isn’t. Unfortunately, the calculation of hay yields depends upon so many varying factors, that a single answer is just not possible to provide.
Even an avera
May 3rd 2018