Be On the Cutting Edge of Modern Market Gardening Using Raised Bed Systems: FULL-TILL, MINIMUM-TILL, and NO-TILL
Market gardening is the production of vegetables, fruits, flowers and other plants on a scale larger than a home garden, yet small enough that many of the principles of gardening are applicable. This is done in raised beds. It seems that the concept of raised bed gardening has become the latest trend in home gardening. However, growing vegetables in raised beds has been going on in market gardening for years. The modern raised beds used for market gardening have no frames, only soil mounded up t
Mar 1st 2024
Winterizing Your Hay Baling Equipment
With winter approaching, it is time to remind of our customers of the importance of machinery maintenance. Now that the hectic harvest season is coming to an end, more time can be found to clean and service machinery. Then, once spring rolls around again your machinery will be in tip-top condition and ready to use. Below is a list of winterizing tasks for balers, mowers, and rakes. We’ve also provided a handy pdf version that can be printed off and taken to the equipment shed with you: 
Nov 12th 2019
Power Harrows for Market Gardens
With the advent of spring comes the time to prepare market gardens for production. Power harrows are an excellent choice for this task. By design, these machines are perfect for seedbed preparation and weed control. Not only are they less damaging to the soil than more traditional tillage tools like the power tiller, but their versatility allows them to tackle a variety of jobs. And who doesn’t love getting more bang for their buck?
First let’s look at the design of a power harrow. A pow
Mar 6th 2018