Drum Mower? Flail Mower? Which do I need?
Here at Tractor Tools Direct we field quite a few phone calls, chats, and emails asking about different types of mowers and their uses. This blog will discuss the differences between the two types of mowers we carry–drum mowers and flail mowers–and explain why they are not interchangeable. They definitely have very different uses on a small farm.
drum mower is a hay mower. Its purpose is to cut the stem of a crop at its base leaving the cut plant as unscathed and complete as possible.
Oct 1st 2022
Hay Day with your Ibex TX31 Mini Round Baler
The pasture has been cut, dried, and raked into windrows. It's hay day! Here are some tips to make baling day with your Ibex
TX31 Mini Round Baler run smoothly.
Before heading to the field:
Baling days are typically hot days, so dress in lightweight, light-colored clothing. Long sleeves and long pants are best for protecting your arms and legs from cuts and scratches when collecting bales. Be sure to bring along a large water jug so you can stay hydrated.
Pack a tool kit with
Aug 1st 2020
Hay Cuttings: Which Ones for Which Species?
There can be much debate about which cutting of hay is best for which species of animal. Unfortunately, there is no way to win that debate. The issue is far too complex.
First off, there is just as much variance within a species for which cutting of hay is best as there is between species. Second, as discussed in a previous
blog, there can be more variance in the quality within a cutting of hay than between cuttings. However, we can provide some general guidelines to keep in mind.
Apr 1st 2020