Power Harrows: Small-Farm Superheroes
It mills! It aerates! It levels! It’s a Power Harrow!
Any implement that can multitask is a hero on a small farm, saving not only time and money, but space in the storage shed as well. And if versatility makes a hero, then a power harrow is a superhero–both on and off the farm! Not only are they great for gardens, power harrows are perfect for fields, construction sites, sporting facilities, riding arenas and anywhere else you need perfectly leveled, weed-free ground.
First, let’s look at the design of a power harrow. A power harrow has a series of vertical tines connected to horizontal axes. As these axes turn, they till the soil to an adjustable level. A mesh roller follows these axes further tamping the soil and sealing the surface. The resulting surface is not only perfect for seeding but is also the surface desired for many other purposes.
On the farm…..
In his book The Market Gardener, Jean-Martin Fortier recommends the use of power harrows as an alternative to traditional tillage and no-till farming for seedbed preparation and weed control. Power harrows present the advantage of horizontal, minimum tillage. Multiple sets of vertical tines mix and lightly mill the soil at a depth you specify.
A power harrow is often preferred over other tillage tools like rotary hoes and tillers because they are less damaging to soil structure. This is due to the harrow’s circular motion which stirs the soil but does not mix the layers. This prevents the inversion of soil layers and vertical compression. The latter is of particular concern since vertical compression can cause hardpan formation which decreases soil drainage and creates a barrier through which roots have difficulty penetrating.
A power harrow’s working depth can also be adjusted which means that it is possible to work just to the depth of the top root layer. Thus, a power harrow brings up less soil with weed roots than is typical with a tiller. This allows for better sun exposure on roots to kill unwanted weeds which is especially important for organic growers who are looking for ways to avoid herbicide use.
And beyond…..
A power harrow’s ability to produce perfectly leveled, weed-free ground makes it a fantastic choice for many tasks beyond the market garden. This is especially true since it combines the leveling and texturizing tasks of a tiller with the finishing details of a chain drag. Some beyond-the-garden tasks at which a power harrow excels include:
- Auto, bike, or equine race track maintenance.
- Rodeo arena maintenance.
- Construction site preparation.
- Horse riding arena dragging and maintenance.
- Sports field refurbishment and maintenance.
- Baseball and softball field dragging.
- Dirt trail and road construction and maintenance.
So whether you are looking for an implement to perform one specific job or looking to save money in your wallet and space in the barn with an implement that completes several tasks on and off the farm, a power harrow is just the tool for you!
Let a power harrow be the superhero on your farm…and beyond! Ibex Power Harrows come in two sizes, so you are sure to find one that is perfect for your tractor and your operation. Learn more by visiting our website at https://tractortoolsdirect.com/power-harrows/ or by calling 260-225-3429 today!
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